Far Seer

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A Death Knight's Betrayal

Story by Koss_Knights.

The time has come…for my revenge. For too many years I’ve been hunted, too many months have I spent the day running away from my once loyal army. I shall strike, and I shall destroy the single foe who opposed me, from the start of my life…the Lich King. Has he really become that powerful since some hapless dupe rescued him from the cold confines of his icy prison? So what if he possessed that hapless dupe, it makes no difference. I’ll kill them both. Ha, it just makes it more convenient for me that they’re now in the same body. To think I survived all this time…I remember the start of this like it was just yesterday…

Uther: You have done an exemplary job Sir Koss. I am quite pleased with your performance.

Koss: Thank you, it has been a great honor training under your experienced guidance.

Uther: Think nothing of it boy, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll have to congratulate our star student. Ha, he might even be the next commander of the Silver Hand some day! Ha, ha, but I’ve still got some life left!

Yes, how wonderful that his star pupil turned out to kill him. Once he completed training the mongrel, he doomed the rest of his years. Ironic, he trained him to be his successor, and yet in fact trained his own personal grim reaper. If only I could’ve seen the look on Uther’s face when he knew he was about to die…I’m sure Arthas enjoyed it very much.

So here I was, freshly trained from the Silver Hand. I was a fool! I thought all those years of hard work finally paid off, and yet instead many more years of even harder work were to come. I was blinded by the teachings of the holy light, I was taken away in the fancies of being a great “protector” of the people…and so, like a sap, I agreed to go on my first assignment. I was to investigate a town, which came under a peculiar plague, and I was to cleanse it if necessary…

I arrived at the deserted village, my book chained securely to my hip, and my holy hammer over my right shoulder. Yes, I felt powerful at that point; I knew nothing would stop me. I started investigating the village...it was as dead as a graveyard…little did I know it was a graveyard at that point…for the cult of the damned, whom have been harvesting bodies long since I was even a knight. Now the village was completely wiped out. Apparently, this village had been harvested for 5 years, little by little. One or two missing people, who would notice? But this…this was a total frenzy…everyone gone. I investigated the village further and found nothing. A ghost town, its denizens long dead…

I went back to report my findings to Uther, personally. With a heavy heart, I entered his chamber, only to find Arthas chatting animatedly with Uther. Uther looked rather grim, but when Arthas finished his story, Uther put his hands on his shoulders and thanked him. Arthas just went by me, carrying his own holy hammer, which somehow seemed to glow more brightly than mine. It was at this moment that I felt a stab of jealousy. Shaking it off, I stepped forth toward Uther and told him my tale. In the end he just dismissed me with the wave of an impatient hand…

I heard more tales of woe and sorrow, as more and more paladins reported sighting peculiar happenings in all the villages and towns they’ve encountered. Some had even rumored to have seen the Undead, limping slowly to some unknown destination. Out of all these stories, one was particularly disturbing. I remember them dragging him in. He was babbling like an idiot, unable to say any real words. Nobody could help him, not even Uther himself. In the end, they put the poor bastard out of his misery…the most chilling part is as he was dying, he screamed “Mal’Ganis!” before his last breath was released. Arthas was there, as always, following Uther like a bloodhound, and his eyes narrowed. That was the last time I ever saw him as a paladin. Rumor has it that Arthas personally hunted down the one named Mal’Ganis, and in doing so drove himself insane. I relished that thought…finally, with that arrogant prince out of my way, I might be able to claim the head of the Silver Hand…

The months passed and things were becoming boring for me…much too boring. Slaying orcs had its kicks, but I grew weary of the monotonous fighting that seemed to always take place. And that pompous bastard Uther never acknowledged my brave deeds…no one ever did. So, it would appear that Paladins are used to protect, and then you can easily ignore them once they get their job done…this angered me greatly, and for the first time I wished I had never become a Paladin. In fact, I started disobeying direct orders, and always did things halfway to protest my unjust treatment…they took it as an act of treason…I was convicted of flagrantly stopping and not saving a small family from demon worshiping orcs. Those bastards kicked me out like an unwanted mutt! I knew their time would come, and I’d be there, dancing on their graves…

Chapter 2 to come…