Far Seer

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Tactic from Bloodlust.

This is a general hint for all races on Reign of Chaos.

Guys, the secret of winning games in Wc3 is that you need units all of the time.. teching is useless unless you're Orc but otherwise get units all the time.. it is very important to know what race your enemy is.. while you have units, creeping is very important.. My point is.. always have units when creeping, unless you are Orc against either Human, Orc or Undead. Orc vs. Night Elf you must get grunt / tauren / casters. Well, I wish you guys the best luck.. Whisper me...

Bloodlust from Azeroth

MacMark's comment: What means smx?

Disclaimer: Caution! Kids, don't try this at home!