Far Seer

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Tower creeping

Tactic from MacMark.

This is a pretty smart tactic with two advantages: You can kill bigger creeps earlier and you have the defense for your first expansion already up.

What to do? Build a few towers (let's say four or five) with some peons in parallel near a gold mine that is protected by creeps. Build as close as possible, but not so near that the creeps attack you on their own. As soon you have those towers up go and attack the creeps with a unit or a heroe, let the rest wait at the towers. The creeps will go after the attacker, draw him back to the towers and now the poor creeps die pretty fast. You will have to trick the creeps some more times until they're dead, because they usually retreat after a while. When the creeps are dead you have a free new gold mine to build your expansion and some towers that do the basic protection.

Disclaimer: Caution! Kids, don't try this at home!