WallsOfTroy.app (deutsch)

This is the support page for WallsOfTroy.app.

Versions list

Walls of Troy sounds like a silly name. Why this one? Like the historical high and mighty walls of Troy Mac OS X is pretty well designed from a security point of view. The Greeks won the war versus Troy only by tricking the people of Troy into bringing a wooden horse inside their city walls. The horse looked like a present, but is wasn't. It held a few Greeks who opened the gates of Troy from inside then and let the Greek army in. Likewise Mac OS X has currently mainly malware in the form of trojan horses that trick the user into using them. Those trojan horses are the main way to overwhelm the system "walls". This program shows a list of these trojan horses.

The idea of this app is to show you the malware your system currently knows. Mac OS X has a daily updated list of known harmful software (packages). Currently these are a couple of trojan horses of the recent years. The list is not easy to see for a non-programmer, so i created an easy way to make it visible. This software currently just reads the lists, extracts informations from it and shows it formatted in a GUI window. I have some plans how to improve it to make it even more useful. But please bear with me since this is just the first version of it.

The first version has had this selfmade icon:

initial app picture

Yes it is quite ugly and i found a designer, Irina Huber, who created a way better one which will make it into the next version. It will look like this:

new full size app picture

Pretty nice, right?

new medium size app picture

For smaller icons.

new small size app picture

For very small icons.

new reduced size app picture

Pretty smart reduced version for even smaller icons.

new special small size app picture

And this is the smallest version. Pretty smart, right?

how it looks in Finder

How it looks in Finder.

how it looks in Dock

How it looks in Dock.

how it looks itself

How it looks itself.

Valid XHTML 1.0!


Latest Update: 30. September 2018 at 17:12h (german time)
Link: warcraft.realmacmark.de/apps/wallsoftroy.php